As Is To Be
To be란 미래의 라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다.
As is to be. As is to be è un modo di dire travasato immotivatamente dalla lingua inglese usato soprattutto nel linguaggio dell economia aziendale per distinguere letteralmente ciò che è lo stato delle cose as is come è da come dovrebbe essere o diventare to be. Der gebrauch nach as im gegensatz zum deutschen sprachgebrauch wird im englischen nach as als in der regel der unbestimmte artikel verwendet. Right click on any white space in the background of the as is process diagram and select utilities create to be process. To deselect click any white space in the background.
Read skore s blog on whether you should start mapping the as is or go straight to the to be. The executive board is to be authorized to sell subject to the consent of the supervisory board purchased treasury shares which in aggregate account for the lower of ten percent of the capital stock existing at the time the resolution is adopted at the general meeting of may 23 2007 or up to ten percent of the capital stock registered at the time the shares are sold excluding the. You ll see that a new diagram is created containing the to be process. You need to stay here and take a nap if you re so exhausted as to be a danger on the road.
즉 현재 업무 프로세스에 대한 분석을 의미합니다. As is 란 지금 현재 있는 그대로 를 의미합니다. Besonders bei sätzen mit as if bzw. 즉 이 둘은 현재의 상태 as is 와 미래에 원하는 상태.
As though ist beim verb to be die subjunctive form were genauso geläufig wie der indikativ was. Viele übersetzte beispielsätze mit as is and to be deutsch englisch wörterbuch und suchmaschine für millionen von deutsch übersetzungen. Similar enough to something as to become it. As is or to be process mapping where do you start.
Cómo queremos que sea en el futuro.